Sunday, April 14, 2013

Springtime Sprucing

I could certainly use another day of the weekend. I've been crafting and gardening.

Over the past few weeks I've been setting up the permanent garden (as opposed to the one on the patio from last year). Jeremy's dad came and tilled up the section I marked off the other day. Now I have parsnips, peas, carrots, and lettuce planted!

I mulched inbetween the beds to make nice walkways. I'm edging with stones to make a nice line.

We also dug an asparagus bed near the side of the yard. Asparagus is a perennial, so if we're able to get it established it should produce for the next 15-20 years.

We also planted some annuals around the yard to brighten things up a bit.

Marigolds in the mailbox boxes.

Spanish Lavender by the driveway. I think I'm going to make this my lavendar bed.

Bog rosemary in the front bed. I'm hoping this'll spread a bit in the future and cover this area.

Snapdragons on the back deck.

Some lavendar cuttings from one of my established plants. If I can get these to root I'm going to move them over with the other near the driveway.

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