Friday, June 7, 2013

A Treasure for Trash

We have the prettiest trashcan on the block, nay, the city, nay, the county!

My parents have this pretty utilitarian wood trash can. It's sturdy and has a solid to keep the smell of onions from permeating the house... So both my sister and I requested reproductions. She got hers around her wedding(ish) time, which was a few years ago. After our most recent escapades out west, I requested one as well.

My Dad has been refining his woodworking skills--- Here's the lovely beetle-kill ponderosa pine trash can :-)

On top of the lovely box itself, my Mom "inlayed" some turquoise powder into all of the beetle holes in the pine. Below is a picture of the top. You can see all of the different flecks of the individual shavings when you look closely.

Thanks Mom and Dad! You're the best!

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