Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Details in Home Improvement

I haven't been posting much on the blog lately because a lot of my projects have been functional, boring projects.

For instance, cutting the bottom 1/4 inch off of my closet door so it opens and closes smoothly. A very successful use of the circular saw, unassisted, by me :+). (Aside: We got a new circular saw--not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier post. We DESPARATELY needed one. The one we were using had a broken guide and the cord was cut, folded, and taped back together. The broken guide made it too heavy for me to move effectively and I would cut everything on an 80 degree angle. Intensely sketchy and dangerous)

Or painting the rusty heating covers for the master bedroom. They've been laying in the garage since May... 

I don't have pictures of them in the room because they're of random lengths. Jeremy needs to show me how they get put back together b/c I'm not sure which goes with which.

I've been working on this necessary project for a while too. The area underneath the door sill was rotting. The initial scraping out of the wood was gross. I wore gloves. Lots of gloves.

Eww slugs!

I cleaned out the space and put several coats of wood hardener to preserve it. Eventually I want to replace the white clapboard siding and legitimately repair the damage underneath, but that is probably far off because that has to be a Jeremy-endorsed and committed project.... which means it has to be totally necessary :-p.

I struggled but finally got the board into the open space an and then screwed it in. I'm probably going to caulk it in and make the seal nice and tight!

I also FINALLY trimmed this bush by the driveway.


Jeremy also cut down the dead boxwood on the edge. It certainly opens up the backyard.

Lots of random home improvement...

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