Sunday, July 8, 2012

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Getting home from vacation is always bittersweet. Sweet? Kitties. Bitter? Everything else. My dining room is sitting in a state of limbo right now. It has to be finished in the next three days due to some time-sensitive materials, so expect that update soon. Today my garden needed urgent attention.

The storm last week flat out tackled the tomato plants. Being as our garden is so tiny, that set the other plants askew as well. Here's what it looked like this morning.

Not good. The plants themselves were mostly alright. The leaves look wilty because they're hot as blazes and wilt to conserve energy. I gave them a drink and that helped as well.

Using tools of the trade and a trip to Lowes here's how it ended up:

Tools of the trade.

That little gray thing in the front is a shard of mirror. There is a tiny tomato plant that the zucchini were desperately trying to smother. The mirror got it some much-needed sun and it's still alive.

My suspension-bridge style support system behind the plants.

This zucchini left the garden. Root system (obviously) still there (first pic). The second picture shows the bulk of the plant itself outside the boxes. I put a little pot underneath the base to get it off of the ground.

I also got two tomato cages for my satellite tomato plants. One is in a pot on the deck and the other is planted in the flower garden.

My house visitor said she didn't see any vegetables, but I don't think that she knew where to look :-p We have so many more than when we left!

Brandywine tomato

Tiny, blurry green pepper!

Bunch of cherry tomatoes!

One of many cucumbers.

12 inch and descending zucchini. Some of them a liiiitttttllle too big to use at this point.

I have a little work to do still, but I needed a break from the heat and bugs.The garden looks like it might make it!

1 comment:

  1. The garden looks great!! Our tomatoes won't make it past the flowering stage :(.
